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remote learning survey - January 2021

We would like your feedback about the remote learning provision on offer to Bentley pupils during this lockdown.
Please complete a separate form for each of your children.
Thank you.

1. My child is in*
2. My child is*
3. My child is able to engage with the face-to-face morning briefings on Zoom*
4. My child is able to engage with Collective Worship on Zoom*
5. My child enjoys other virtual learning opportunities provided by the school such as PE and the special visitor talks*
6. My child is benefitting from speaking to the class LSA*
7. It would be useful for my child if these calls*
8. My child or I are able to post on Seesaw or I have been able to post on Tapestry*
10. My child is able to understand the tasks provided by their teacher across the curriculum*
12. My child is working independently*
13. As a parent, I feel the tasks set for my child are (please tick all that apply)*
15. Do you consider your child to have Special Education Needs or a Disability (SEND)?*

If you have answered 'Yes' to question 15, please answer questions 16 and 17. If not, please go straight to question 18.

16. The work set by the teacher is accessible for my child with SEND
17. We have benefitted from additional support at home (please tick all which apply)
18. I have accessed the COVID mental health and well-being advice resources on the website*

We will share the results of this survey in due course, however, if you have raised any questions above and would like a response, please provide us with your contact details