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This week at Bentley...

It has been a very sad week as we have heard of the death of parent, Nathan Dobson. I have let the family know so many members of our community have been thinking of them and we send our love and best wishes to them all.

In learning in the classroom this week…

Year R loved working as a team to create a Chinese Dragon dancing parade

Year 1 have been looking after the fantastic mini gardens they designed and have enjoyed the responsibility for watering them

Year 2 worked with joins to design and make their own fabulous finger puppets in Design Technology #

Year 3 had an amazing time at the Iron Age Workshop – click here to read about their day

Year 4 have had a trip-tastic week! They loved seeing all the creatures at the Living Rainforest and making Saxon bracelets at Eggar’s School.

Year 5 have written some beautiful, thought-provoking letters whilst exploring the character of Bess in The Highway Man

Year 6 had a wonderful visit to Southampton Art Gallery where they enjoyed learning to create a Pop Art style print - click here to read about their trip

I wish you all a restful weekend after a busy week.

Mrs Katy Pinchess, Headteacher



We attended a terrific event at Perrins School last Friday evening. Mrs Pinchess was extremely proud of all of our Year 5 and 6 competitors. This event is challenging and a real test of team work and ‘having a go’ with athletics performed at a high level. Each and every child did their very best and we are delighted to have achieved a second place (by a whisker!). Our girls finished third in the field events overall and our boys finished second.  Huge congratulations to Megan and Idan whose results mean they will be representing Bentley at the County Finals.

Well done Team Bentley!