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English resources

In this section you will find useful resources.


As a school, and in line with national expectations, we expect all children to be using a cursive handwriting style by the end of Year 6.  Children are taught what letters look like, with the horizontal and diagonal strokes needed to join letters, from Year R.  By the end of Year 2, children are beginning to join some of these letters together.  When forming letters that are joined do not lead out from the letter r or the letter s; this is to ensure that these letters are legible.  Studies have shown the cursive writing is important not only to aid the legibility of writing but also to help with spelling.  This is because the brain remembers the natural flow of letters from one to another.  Try writing out the sentence, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' to practise handwriting as this incorporates all of the letters of the alphabet.


Please see Mrs Miffling's Top Ten Tips for learning spellings.  These strategies will help your child to remember how to spell words and daily practise of spellings from the common exception word lists for Years 1 and 2 and the statutory word lists for Years 3/4 and Years 5/6 will be invaluable.  Choose up to ten words (depending on your child's age) and once your child can spell the words on the list consistently correctly, change them for different ones.  Make sure that you encourage your child to use a cursive handwriting style when they practise them too.


During the school closure don't forget to continue to build reading into your daily routine.  As a school we expect children to be reading at least five times per week with at least two of these reading sessions being aloud to an adult.  Remember to discuss what is happening in the book with your child and explain any unfamiliar words to them.  Find a quiet and comfy place to read so that reading can be an enjoyable activity.  You could encourage older siblings to read to younger ones as well.  Happy reading!

Mrs Miffling, English Leader