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Y3 - Thursday 9th May

After the initial excitement, we slept well, and we were ready for another active day outdoors.  Once we had our first bunkbed inspection – we had learnt from Year 4, it’s quite competitive! – we headed off to breakfast.

We fuelled up on some toast and cereal. We then met with our GBC leader and began our morning activity.  The children were so pleased to have a go at archery. We learnt how to do archery and enjoyed whizzing by on the zip line! We worked hard on our technique and had to concentrate well.  Well done Bentley archers!

For lunch we enjoyed a lovely beef sausage hot dog/vegetarian hot dog with Year 4. This gave us more energy to tackle our afternoon activity.

After a little break, we will get all cleaned up and then join Year 4 for dinner. Today's dinner will be beef or vegetarian meatballs with spaghetti, tomato sauce and cheese.

For our final evening activity, we will be having a campfire with Year 4.



We are already feeling a bit sad as it's our last day, but we are looking forward to telling stories and singing songs together. Also, we are looking forward to having some hot chocolate and marshmallows before we get into our beds!

We will now leave you with some pictures of our teachers too, we can see who had more fun!