Music at Bentley

This week many of the classes showcased their fantastic music abilities in our music collective worship. At Bentley, we follow an interactive scheme called Charanga which exposes the children to a multitude of genres and notible artists. Each half term, the children appraise different examples from the style of music and then work together as a class to produce their own version of the song.
This year, we are giving the children a platform to perform their finished product to the rest of the school during a music collective worship. It was a wonderful experience enjoyed by staff and children alike. Please click the links to enjoy a snapshot of each class.
Year 1 - singing and playing percussion instruments to a hip hop song.
Year 3 - singing a song about friendship.
Year 4 - singing 'blackbird' by the Beetles.
Year 5 - singing and performing 'Livin' on a prayer' by Bon Jovi.