Getting reacquainted...

Year 4 have a terrific first day settling back into the centre. They started with a site walk to remind them about all their favourite spots (Lonely Larry the tree, the pets area etc) and a good review of the boundaries and rules. They all ate well at lunch AND tea and have already reported hearty appetites!
Mrs Scott-Bromley reports that they had a great afternoon activity with campfire building. They first collected all their own wood for their fires and then built and lit them, before cooking delicious popcorn to eat. Yum, yum!
There is another Year 4 class camping on the site so there was a friendly football match or two plus LOTS of rabbit cuddling and goat feeding in free time! The children have enjoyed the freedom of being with their friends and exploring the site together.
Tonight Year 4 are going on the night walk and hope to spot some local wildlife…we will find out what they saw tomorrow! The teachers report that everyone is in good spirits and having great time together. Well done Year 4.
We are confident that the children, full of bedtime cocoa and tired from an active day with lots of fresh air, will sleep well and just hope that the super staff team of Mr G, Mrs P and Mrs Scott-Bromley sleep well too!