Skiing, climbing & rockets...

There was great excitement this morning for Year 5 as the coach arrived and we loaded up all our luggage to go away for the whole week. We had a good journey down on a lovely sunny day and finally arrived at Calshot!
Our first job was to unpack our clothes, make our beds, settle in our teddies - and it now feels like home.
After meeting our group leaders from the Calshot staff we ventured to the canteen for lunch, then had an afternoon full of climbing on the amazing wall and dashing down the ski slope. We tried hard to keep on our skis rather than go down on our bottoms! We all thought that it is fun it is to come down but such hard work side stepping back up the slope! Luckily on our second ski we got to use the lift up.
The children enjoyed the climbing wall and are now expert 'belayers' and 'tailors' as well as climbers. Furthermore lots of them reached the top of the wall. It’s wonderful to hear the encouragement and support the children are offering each other, already some children have overcome fears because of all the lovely teamwork.
Tonight's activity is full of fun as the children will be firing water rockets on the beach which is always a popular activity with lots of teamwork and energy before our first night in the dorms!