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  • 19/07/24

    this week at Bentley.....

    As we approach the conclusion of the academic year, I find myself reflecting on my first full term as Headteacher at Bentley Primary. It has been an incredible term, and I am continually impressed by the warmth and vibrancy of our school community.
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  • 12/07/24

    this week at bentley....

    As we end the penultimate full week at school, I cannot help but notice a real buzz around the school (not just about the football!) 
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  • 05/07/24

    this week at Bentley......

    I hope this newsletter finds you all well. Today has been a truly special day in our school calendar, marking an important milestone for our children. They have had the opportunity to meet their new teachers and explore their new classrooms for the upcoming academic year.
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  • 28/06/24

    this week at Bentley.....

    What an incredible week we've had at Bentley Primary School! I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you the highlights of our recent events and activities.
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  • 21/06/24

    this week at Bentley......

    It's that time again when I find myself saying, "It's been a busy week here at Bentley!" And truly, this week has been no exception, our school has been its usual hive of activity.
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  • 14/06/24

    this week at Bentley.....

    It's been an exciting and eventful time at Bentley primary school, and I'm thrilled to share some fantastic news with you all.
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  • 07/06/24

    this week at Bentley...

    It's been an exciting week here at our school, and I'm thrilled to share some of the highlights with you.
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  • 24/05/24

    this week at Bentley

    It has been a whirlwind of activities and excitement here at Bentley Primary School. Let me share with you the highlights of the past week.
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  • 17/05/24

    this week at Bentley ....

    I hope this newsletter finds you well. Let me start by congratulating our Year 6 students on their remarkable attitudes during the recent SATs. Their dedication and hard work deserve immense praise. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Blake for organising the breakfasts and Wendy in the kitchen for her...
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  • 10/05/24

    this week at Bentley.....

    What a wonderful week of weather we have had! It makes such a difference being able to run around outside in the sunshine. On days that we know the sun is going to shine, please remember to send your children to school with water bottles and a hat.
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  • 03/05/24

    this week at Bentley....

    My goodness, Mrs Miffling and I have just been reflecting on how the week has flown past! It only feels like yesterday that I was last writing to tell you all about the things we’ve been up to at Bentley CE Primary School!
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  • 26/04/24

    this week at Bentley....

    Another fantastic week here at Bentley. This week the after-school clubs started – it has been great to see children from all different year- groups joining in on the amazing array of different clubs offered, from engineering club, to forest explorers and, of course, choir.  Our childr...
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