Welcome Back!
It was lovely to see familiar faces back in school today and to welcome all the new starters into our Bentley family. We have had a super first day!
We are delighted to introduce our new staff members...
Mrs Andrea Gallagher has joined us as an Admin Assistant and will be on hand in the school office each afternoon.
Ms Aizhamal Alieva joins Miss Smith and Ms Newman in Year R as a Special Needs Assistant.
Schools Direct student, Mr William Antignani from Foundations Teaching School joins Year 4.
And Mr Toby Fay has joined the Year 6 team as an LSA and will be in the classroom each morning.
We also have a new volunteer, Miss Amy Grainger, who will be in the Library each Friday morning. We are keen for more volunteers for the school library. Could you help? We need...
...someone 'crafty' to take our Story Sacks and make them wonderful again!
...someone who can give us 15 minutes a couple of times a week to replenish the shelves
...someone who is available on a Friday morning to work with the children, helping them choose their books.
Please let the school office know if you're willing and able to help.
Don't forget our PTFA Welcome BBQ is tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm. Our fantastic staff team will be cooking delicious hot dogs and burgers, selling children's refreshments and, of course, serving wine, beer and soft drinks from the bar. It's a great opportunity for our families to catch up with old friends and meet new ones - we hope you can join us!
Katy Pinchess, Headteacher