This week at Bentley...
We have had a super Move Up morning and hope our Alton Schools Year 6 pupils did too! Please see below for the staffing list for classes for next year.
Tomorrow twenty-one brave cyclists are doing the ‘Bombay to Bentley’ Bike Ride. We also encourage you to come along with your children and support the cyclists as they return to school after their gruelling day. It is always quite an inspiring and emotional return. We have two super Year 7 pupils taking part this year too. They are expected back between 3.30pm and 4.30pm so do come along to welcome them back!
They have signed up for this challenge to raise funds for our school and each one has their own GoFundMe page. We would really appreciate your support whether it is for £1 or £100! Don’t forget to leave them a positive comment, even if you wish to donate anonymously. You can find their pages here. Amy has been promised charitable sponsorship from her company, DTCC, who have generously pledged to double any sponsorship she receives – you can sponsor her at this link.
We are trying to raise enough money to buy a new bank of laptops, as one of our two sets is now so old they need to be replaced. The cost of the laptops and work to set them up ready for school use is £15,000. They are used by every single child in school and so far, despite so many amazing events, we have only raised £9,700 towards this cost. Come on amazing Bentley community, PLEASE give your contributions, and offer your time and support at this final big event of the PTFA calendar. You will make a huge difference to our children.
Whether you are cycling from Bombay to Bentley, supporting a Bentley cyclist, enjoying Pride, or watching Wimbledon, have a super weekend. We look forward to a lovely week of learning next week and hopefully a little more sunshine!
Mrs Pinchess, Headteacher
Who will be in the classrooms next year?
Year R - Class Teacher - Miss Pidden, LSA - Mrs Evamy
Year 1 - Class Teacher - Mrs Scott-Bromley, LSA – Mrs Siers, SNA - tbc
Year 2 - Class Teacher - Miss Durrant, LSAs - Mr Fay, Mrs Pond & Mrs Tessendorf
Year 3 - Class Teacher - Miss Hastie, LSA – Miss Oakley
Year 4 - Class Teachers - Mrs Matthews & Mr Goddard, LSA – Mrs Phillips
Year 5 - Class Teacher - Mrs Ashby, LSA – Mrs Pryce
Year 6 - Class Teachers - Mrs Miffling & Mrs Rhodes, LSA - Mrs Patey, Volunteer - Mr Matthews
Mrs Vogel and Mrs Blake will still be in school in September; Mrs Vogel as Infant leader and team mentoring, and Mrs Blake as a support role in Year R, and with Science work.
Hello everyone! My name is Miss Durrant. I will be new to Bentley CE Primary School this September and cannot wait to be a class teacher in Year 2. For the past few years, I have been living in Devon by the seaside, enjoying lots of exciting things like surfing. I enjoy playing sports such as netball and cricket, as well as reading in my spare time. I chose to apply to Bentley because of the strong community and values. I can’t wait to get to know all of you and look forward to having lots of fun teaching the exciting curriculum for Year 2.
Forest Schools – Mrs Jones (Monday afternoons – Years 1-6 in rotation)
Library sessions – Mrs Tessendorf (Tuesdays – all children)
French – Madame Jones (Wednesdays – all children)
PE coaches – CMSports coaches (Friday mornings – classes in rotation)
PPA (Teacher planning, preparation and assessment time) – Years R-5 Mrs Perrior (Mrs P)
Office Team - Mrs Tewkesbury, Finance Officer, Mrs Drew, Admin Officer & Mrs Tessendorf, Admin Assistant
Wrap-around childcare – Afterschool Club - Mrs Perrior, ASC Leader, Mr Fay & Miss Oakley
Wrap-around childcare – Breakfast Club - Mrs Phillips & Mrs Hansen
Caretaking Team - Mr Lucas, Caretaker & ELLACK Cleaners
Year 6 Calshot residential visit 2022
Year 6 had a wonderful time down on the south coast at Calshot Activity Centre – you can read all about their adventures here.
Thank you…
… to Molly Scotton and Sarah Cordina for running the uniform sale this morning. We have a better selection than most high street stores! There will be another sale on 20th July from 3pm. If you need any uniform items in the meantime, please let the school office know.
Bentley Village Fete - Whole School Homework
The children have all been tasked with making an entry for the village fete this year. Each class are working on something different; each related to topic work they have done.
Year R - Under the Sea artwork
Year 1 - Castles
Year 2 - Space rockets
Year 3 - Local art and photographs
Year 4 - A design for a Viking artefact
Year 5 - An Egyptian Style Mask
Year 6 - Pop Art
Full details for the homework can be found on Seesaw/Tapestry and you can download the full programme for the fete from the foot of this page. We look forward to hearing about all the marvellous ‘makes’ and winners on Saturday 16th July!
Support for SEND (special educational needs and disabilities)
At Bentley we plan very carefully for all children. Throughout each week all pupils have additional support and extension activities depending on how they perform in planned lessons. For example, this can be a short reprisal of a lesson which they struggled with, or it can also be a more structured intervention.
All of our amazing support staff have training to run assessments and to deliver specific intervention programmes. All support staff hold responsibility for delivering interventions for the year groups they are based with and many of our LSAs have expertise and training which benefit children across the school.
All support is planned and coordinated by Mrs Rhodes our SEND Leader. We are very mindful not to take pupils out of quality first teaching if possible. For every intervention, the flip side is a child missing a class input. However, maths and English skills in particular are absolutely key to making progress in all areas of learning so it is our priority to help children to meet expected standards for their age group wherever possible and sometimes 1:1 or small group work is required to achieve this.
Governors thought it would be useful to share the interventions we currently deliver at Bentley;
Speech & language therapy
Social skills groups
Emotions work
Social stories
NELI (Nelson Early Language Intervention)
Success @ Arithmetic
Phonics Catch up
Precision Teaching
Emotional Literacy Support
Drawing & Talking
Huckleberries Farm Visits
Sensory Circuits
Movement breaks
Fine Motor Skills groups
Occupational therapy
Gross Motor skills & physiotherapy
You can read more about this here
Click here to find out what’s happening next week and
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