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this week at bentley....

Dear parents, carers and friends of the school,

Thank you for all your support and interest in my visit to our link school in The Gambia. The children have been so keen to hear all about it and to know how their fellow pupils are doing. I was able to share lots of news and pictures in our assemblies this week (please see attachment below),

It seems very pertinent to be thinking of others today, the anniversary of the invasion on Ukraine. We prayed as a school for those living through war and also thought about people in Turkey and Syria too.

On news closer to home, a big thank you to our super PTFA Chairs Sarah C, Sarah F and Molly for setting up a great disco last night. The outfits matched the party atmosphere and everyone seemed to enjoy the dancing and tuck shop!

I know there is also great excitement across the school about our World Book Day celebrations on Monday. This is annual event and we have made clear that no parent should feel under pester pressure to purchase expensive costumes! Creative, homemade (or just easy!) are all appreciated. This is optional, no child is obliged to dress up if they do not want to and can simply bring in a favourite book if they prefer.  It is the thought about READING and a love of books that counts.

Year 5 will be busy this weekend, as they get packed up ready to depart for their residential visit to Calshot next week! We know they will have a brilliant time and look forward to hearing all about it.

I will look forward to seeing those of you later who are joining the excellent annual quiz. I am never quite sure what skills I bring to my quiz team but always have a great time, with lots of laughter and great desserts! If you haven’t joined this year I definitely recommend doing so next year.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are up to.

Mrs Pinchess

World Book Day

This year, the official date for World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March but at Bentley, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Monday 27th February.  This is because year 5 will be away on their residential visit to Calshot Activity Centre and we want everybody to be able to join in with the fun! 

Here are some of the activities we have planned for the day…

  1. Dress up as your favourite book character on Monday 27th February.  If you have the book that your character is from, bring it to school on the day.
  2. Special lunch menu – see below.
  3. A special book themed collective worship.
  4. A story swap with all the adults and children in school.
  5. A virtual author visit for each class.
  6. Lots more book themed activities throughout the day.

Happy reading everyone!

Mrs Miffling – English leader

Attendance requirements

The Department for Education have charged schools with raising school attendance after the pandemic. We are very aware that school life has been disrupted, that adult and child mental health has been hugely affected over the last two years and various illnesses have been circulating. However, it is very true that children benefit from routine and continuity in their learning and I think we all agree that pupils are best placed to be learning at school.

We are monitoring attendance with a key focus on any pupil whose attendance means they are logged as a ‘Persistent absentee’ (e.g. under 90% which is the equivalent of being off school for more than one session a week). As a school we always take Special Needs into consideration when we look at attendance, but are keen to find positive solutions to support all children to be in school every day and on time, in order to help them to learn well.

If you need to contact us to let us know your child is absent, please can you be clear about any specific needs in order that we can log this as required. We also need to know what symptoms and treatments are in place. For example, instead of being told “Bobby is unwell” we need to know that “Bobby had a temperature overnight, with a runny nose and cough. He is not testing positive for Covid, but we will monitor the situation and alert you if anything changes, or if he is not back to school tomorrow as we would hope”.

The office are required to ring and find out where children every morning, in order to log the full  details. It is really helpful to have an email sent first thing to save them having to call you and we thank you for your support.

Friday Breakfasts

Mrs Hansen and Mrs Dorosh have been delighted to welcome families in for our social breakfasts this term. There is still time to join us for the last of the Infant Breakfasts! Bring the whole family or come along for a 'date' with one child or to chat to other class parents. Click here to order and pay

3rd March Year 1 

10th March Year R

Governor Vacancies

We have three experienced Governors coming towards the end of their four-year term of office. They have all kindly agreed to stay on as Associate Governors in order to support the school at this time of leadership change. However, we are seeking interested new governors! We have three committees covering Personnel, Buildings & Finance, Standards & Curriculum.  Applications are welcome from all interested volunteers; no previous experience is required other than being interested in education, as the role comes with full induction and training. We would encourage parents, grandparents, neighbours and community members to consider this rewarding position. If you are interested, please email the school office or speak to one of our Governor Chairs, Mark Desborough or Emily Spicer.


Veg Power - Eat them to Defeat them! - Layton Primary School


We hope the children enjoyed their ‘Eat them to defeat them’ packs sent out this week. Children are rewarded in school for ‘giving it a go’ and trying new vegetables. It can take many tasters before children build up a liking for new foods and we are all working together to promote a healthy diet to our young people. You can join in with the fun at home too…set up a weekly family vegetable tasting session, let your child choose a vegetable at the supermarket to cook and taste or make a sticker chart for regular tasting! We’d love to hear how it goes.  


Each class will be leading a collective worship over the next few weeks and parents are welcome to join us to see their child.  Worship will last around 20 minutes and will take place in the Sports’ Hall at 9.05 a.m.

Year 1 – Wednesday 1st March

Year R – Wednesday 8th March

Year 3 – Wednesday 15th March

Year 6 – Wednesday 22nd March

Year 4 – Wednesday 26th April

Year 5 – Wednesday 3rd May

Year 2 – Wednesday 10th May


Solent Mind

Solent Mind are in the process of launching a brand-new service to support families and carers supporting children and young people that are affected by self-harm. This service will cover Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Solent Mind are currently collecting input from potential service users and would be grateful if you would complete their survey if this is something you can do. The poster is on our Community page. On the poster you’ll see a QR code which will take you directly to the survey.

There is a lot going on and support available to help families. Please look on our website at the Community pages to see what is new. Click here.



We are really excited to announce Mrs Pinchess’ leaving party! Put the date in your diary and look out for more information soon! Let’s send her off in style…