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this week at Bentley.....

As I write this the children are all excitedly taking part in Move Up Morning where they are getting to know their new teachers and the expectations for their next year group.  This is the perfect time to reflect on achievements over the past year and set goals for the new.  Your child’s report will come home next week and I know you will all be very pleased with how much your children have achieved this academic year.  See below for the full list of staffing.

Last Saturday saw our annual Bentley Bike Ride.  It was a very special moment when all of our super cyclists cycled through the school gates at the end of the ride having completed 30km along the Shipwright’s Way.  A big thank you to everyone involved in the event, from collecting sponsorship, to serving drinks to the thirsty riders on their return – it is all very much appreciated! An extra special thank you goes to Ben and Amy Bingham for organising the event for us.

We have two weeks left of school before the summer holidays and there are still lots of exciting things planned and learning to be completed.  We will be holding an open afternoon on Monday 17th July from 2 p.m. where you will have the opportunity to look through your child’s work with them and meet their new class teacher.  Thank you for your support in making sure your children are wearing the correct school uniform and shoes.  This is helping them to keep looking smart as we head into the last few weeks of term.

Mrs Miffling

Acting Headteacher


Staff Team 2023 - 2024

Senior Leadership Team:

Mrs Hallett – Headteacher

Mrs Miffling – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Rhodes – SENDCo

Year R – Class Teacher – Mrs Scott-Bromley, LSAs – Mrs Sinclair and Mr Metters

Year 1 – Class Teachers – Mrs Vogel (M – T) and Mr Goddard (W – F), LSA – Mrs Siers

Year 2 – Class Teacher – Miss Durrant, LSAs – Mr Fay and Miss Miles

Year 3 – Class Teacher – Miss Hastie, LSAs – Mrs Pond, Mrs Chouler, Mrs Dorosh and Mr Metters

Year 4 – Class Teachers – Mrs Matthews (M, Tu, W, F) and Mrs Miffling (Th), LSAs – Miss Oakley and Mrs P

Year 5 – Class Teachers – Mrs Ashby (M, Tu, Th, F) and Mrs Miffling (W), LSAs – Mrs Hansen and Mrs Dorosh

Year 6 – Class Teachers – Mrs Rhodes (M, Tu) and Mrs Blake (Tu – F), LSA – Mrs Patey

French and Forest Explorers – Madame Jones

Librarian – Mrs Hansen

Sports Coaches – CM Sports

PPA Cover – Mrs P and Mrs Miffling

Additional Cover Teacher – Miss Triggs

Office Team – Mrs Tewkesbury (Finance Officer), Mrs Hamid (Admin Assistant), Mrs Perring (Admin Assistant)

Caretaker – Mr Lucas

Breakfast Club – Mrs Hansen and Mrs Dorosh

Afterschool Club – Mrs P, Miss Oakley and Mr Fay

You will notice that some names are missing from the list for next year.  Miss Pidden is moving to Binsted CE Primary School to teach in KS1.  Mrs Evamy is moving to an LSA position in a school closer to her home.  Mrs Pryce is moving to Germany.  Mrs Elkington and Mrs Bingeman will be spending more time with their families.  Miss Grainger will be starting her teacher training.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for all their hard work this year and the contributions they have made to our school during their time with us.  I’m sure you will all join with me in wishing them lots of luck for the future.  I know they will stay in touch to let us know how they are getting on!

INSET dates 2023 - 2024

The following INSET dates are planned for the next academic year.

Friday 1st September (Children will return to school on Monday 4th September)

Friday 20th October

Tuesday 2nd January

Thursday 28th March

Monday 3rd June

French Day 2023 – Wednesday 12th July

Oh là là! Next week is French Day – Bentley’s annual celebration of all things French! The whole school community will turn red, white and blue for the day as we come to school dressed in the colours of the French flag – le tricolore. Throughout the day the children will be treated to a range of lessons and experiences to celebrate France and its culture, including the game pétanque. There will be a French-themed assembly for the children to start the day off and the children will also be able to experience French-style street food with a pop-up croissant kiosk led by Year 6! In exchange for a short French role play (Je voudrais un croissant, s’il vous plait!), the children will receive a tasty croissant to eat at breaktime (or alternative for those with allergies). In addition, Year 2 will visit Madame Jones’ ice-cream kiosk in their French lesson whilst Year 3 will experience a French-style ‘pique-nique’.

The aim of the day is to celebrate learning French at school and we hope that the children all have a fun day. If you have any questions about the day, please contact Madame Jones via the school office.

Bentley Fete

The Bentley Fete and Flower Show is being held on Saturday 15th July at 2 p.m.  It is always a fantastic event and the children have been invited to enter the sunflowers they have been growing since Mother’s Day into the competition, the Gardening Team have been busy working on their entries with Year 1 and there are the usual children’s classes for you to enter.

Here is a message from the Flower Show team with all the information you need:

If your sunflowers have been growing well and you want to enter them in Bentley Flower Show, please register your details on the flower show website. You can also find details of all the other children’s classes there. You’ll need to bring your entries to the Flower Show tent on Bentley recreation ground on Saturday 15 July between 8.00-10.45 a.m. ready for judging. You will be able to come back any time after the fete opens at 2.00 p.m. to see if you’ve won a prize!

The Bentley Flower Show Team looks forward to seeing you!

Eco Council and Nature Club

Please see the ACAN Schools Newsletter below which Bentley features in, and the flyers for the Eco Fair on the community page, which Eco Council and Nature Club are participating in. The Eco fair event is really family-friendly and would appeal to our Bentley families.  There are lots of lovely free activities to get involved in, including a stall from Bentley!


For information on available clubs and to find out what is going on in the local area please Click here.


PTFA – upcoming events

⭐️ Bentley Fete - 15th July. Are you going to be visiting the fete? Could you help man our stall? Even just 15 minutes would help! Please let us know if you’re able to help. Please sign up here

⭐️ Camping Night on Froyle Rec - Saturday 22nd-Sunday 23rd July. 

Pitches are almost sold out, so book on asap if you would like to join! Each pitch is £25 and includes breakfast on Sunday morning. Book via the PTFA website

Save the date: Welcome BBQ - Friday 8th September, after school. Join us in welcoming the new families to Bentley, and welcoming back existing students after the summer holidays. 

Please see the PTFA page for more information