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in the last week of term....

We have had a fantastic final week of learning for the school year and have enjoyed reminiscing about all that we have done since September.  We can’t quite believe we’ve managed to fit it all in!  Alongside all the regular learning in classrooms, we have been out on educational visits, hosted visitors to school, stayed away on residentials, taken part in a range of clubs, participated in lots of sporting events, had fun at PTFA events…the list goes on!  Most of all we have enjoyed being together as a community, giving each other courage when life is tough and looking after one another with love.  Our Christian values really have shone through this year. 

The end of the school year is always an exciting time as we look forward to the adventures we will have over the summer holidays, but it can also be a time of mixed emotions, as we have to say goodbye to some of our team.  We have several members of staff leaving today – Miss Pidden, Mrs Evamy, Mrs Bingeman, Mrs Elkington and Mrs Pryce.  We thank them for all they have done during their time at Bentley and wish them lots of luck for the future.  We also say goodbye to Year 6 as they move onto their secondary schools.  I have been incredibly proud of every member of Year 6 and all they have achieved this year.  They have been fantastic role models to our younger children and ambassadors of our school and I know they will continue to impress their new teachers at their new schools.  We always say ‘Once a friend of Bentley, always a friend of Bentley,’ so if you are leaving today, keep in touch – we’d love to hear how you are all getting on!

Thank you to all of you reading this newsletter, for your support over the last year and for the kind and generous gifts and messages you have given us during our final week.  Every member of our school team works very hard for each and every one of our pupils, so hearing your positive feedback is incredibly rewarding and very much appreciated.

I wish you all a fantastic summer holiday.  Relax, have fun and spend time doing the things you love.  See you all back in school on Monday 4th September!

Mrs Miffling

Acting Headteacher

Thank you TO EVERYONE FOR A fabulous YEAR …

…to the wonderful staff team here at Bentley: the senior leadership team, teachers, learning support staff, the office and maintenance team, kitchen crew and club providers. You are all stars! We wish you all a summer holiday of fun and relaxation and look forward to seeing you all in September ready to do it all over again!

…to all our super Governors for all their hard work.

…to our amazing PTFA and Class Reps and to everyone who supported and volunteered at the PTFA events in 2022-23. What a fantastic year of fun and fundraising you have given us.

… to all the volunteers who gave up their time to garden, drive buses, accompany children on trips and help our children with reading and weekly additional support.

…. to the Davies Family (Year 2) and the Stuart-Bruges family (Year 2, 4 and 6) for the generous donation of the 'Bentley Music Cup'.  We are looking forward to awarding the cup for contributions towards music for the first time in the new academic year.

And finally, to all our children, parents and families for supporting the school in all the many ways that you do. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you at the start of the next academic year (8.55am Monday 4th September).

STEP Awards

Good manners are not only encouraged, but expected at Bentley and excellent manners and behaviour is often mentioned by parents, relatives and visitors who come to the school as well as when pupils are out on school visits. We want all of our children to follow the 'Sorry, Thank You, Excuse Me, Please' (S.T.E.P.) code all the time.  Each term three children from each year group, who have shown superb manners over the term in many different situations as noted by all staff, are selected to receive a S.T.E.P. award.  In a special assembly, in front of the whole school plus teaching staff, each child is presented with a certificate and a special badge.

We are incredibly proud of our S.T.E.P. award winners this term.

Year R – Archie Webb, Josh Anslow, Eva Grant.

Year 1 – Maya Pryce, Olivia Eveson, Edward Pope.

Year 2 – Alec Smith, Josie Clarke, Anna Brigstocke

Year 3 – Isabelle Cavanough, Arthur Hunt, Lauren Koradi.

Year 4 – Arianna Hansen, Dolton Osgood, Anwita Etikala

Year 5 –Phoebe Noon, Merryn Phillips, Darcey Wellsstead

Year 6 – Emma Nonbebel, Imogen Crosse, Oscar Keightley.


Bentley Eco Warriors impress visitors at the Alton Eco Fair

Last Sunday, members of Eco Council from Years 1-6 attended the popular Alton Eco Fair in the Public Gardens. The aim of the stall was to share all our Eco Schools work with visitors, especially the Nature Reserve. Throughout the day, the children inspired visitors to make pledges for the planet and to participate in a game created by Arthur (Year 2). Raising £30.00 for our Nature Reserve, Arthur’s ‘Saving Nemo’ game taught players the importance of protecting our oceans by keeping them plastic free.  Huge thanks go to Annika (Y1), Arthur and Lyra (Y2), Poppy and Darcey (Y5) and Kate (Y6) as well as Mrs Elliott and Mrs Brown for giving up their Sunday to host their environmental stall. 

Alton Town Mayor, Ben Hamlin plays ‘Saving Nemo’

And kind words from Damian Hinds, MP, about his recent visit

Success at Bentley Fete! – A message from the gardening team.

In case you didn't spot it at the Bentley Fete on Saturday, the Year 1 Gardening team won First Prize in the class "A Coronation Arrangement." This is a wonderful achievement so very well done Year 1. The Judges and indeed the Flower Show Committee members were so pleased to see what they had been learning over the past year each Friday afternoon at Gardening Club. This has included:

- planting bulbs in autumn then watching them grow and flower in springtime

- making bird feeders in winter to help our feathered friends through the coldest months

- planting seeds in spring time, tending them, planting them on and harvesting them on in summer

- growing and eating strawberries

- planting and digging potatoes

- making a grass head and watching the grass seed grow into hair!

- endless weeding and watering - trying to keep our courtyard area lovely for the whole school to enjoy every day.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and hard work year 1. We hope you have enjoyed gardening and will carry on all the skills you have learnt in your own homes, gardens and parks.

Elise, Nicole, Vanessa, Georgie and all the Gardening Team x

from the PTFA

Thank you all for supporting and helping us this year. We are pleased to announce that we have raised an amazing £17,491! (And some more still to come!) All funds raised are vitally important and make a big difference to boost the school’s budget. We’d like to wish everyone a lovely summer holiday and look forward to seeing everyone again in September for more fun!”

PTFA 2023-2024

A big thank you to all the reps and anyone who volunteered throughout the year with us.

Sarah, Sarah and Molly, will remain our PTFA Chairs next year. They will be helped by the following super Class Reps:

Year R: Shelley French & Millie Westlake

Year 1: Kathy Duckett & Chelsee Anderson

Year 2: Tamryn Evans & Lindsay Hardman & Jessica Lainchbury

Year 3: Natalie Ryan & Georgie Tagg

Year 4: Sara Wood & Cat Ogden 

Year 5: Tegan Hansen & Sam Hall

Year 6: Cress Mizen & Jo Phillips.

Welcome BBQ – Date for your diary

We are delighted to announce the date for the Welcome BBQ next term – Friday 8th September 4-6pm.  We hope everyone will join us for the PTFA’s first event of the year – it’s a lovely chance to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and to welcome all our new families to the school.  There will be meat and plant based burgers, sausages, wine, beer, soft drinks and children’s refreshments.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)

Visit the PTFA website by clicking here

Wraparound Childcare Bookings for next academic year

Our Breakfast Club and After-school clubs will be running from Monday 4th September, as the first day of term (Fri 1st September) is an inset day..  We will be conducting our school year-end process on 30th August and so will not be able to accept any bookings for next academic year until 31st August 2023.


Do your children love to sing and perform? Hampshire County Youth Choirs are looking for new members.  On Friday 15th September we are opening our doors and giving prospective members the chance to sing alongside the current members of the Junior, Training and Youth Choirs at the United Church, Jewry Street, Winchester, SO23 8RZ.

The evening will run as follows:

5.30pm - Yr 7 to Yr 13, 6pm - Yr 2 to Yr6 Juniors, 7.30pm - Showing to parents for all participants.

If your child would like to come along for the evening, please sign up using the following link.

Hampshire County Youth Choirs Sing Alongside Evening - Friday 15th September 2023 (

Kind regards

Hampshire Music Service.

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