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this week at Bentley...

It's been an exciting week here at our school, and I'm thrilled to share some of the highlights with you.

What an amazing sports day we have just had! It was truly a sight to behold; witnessing all our wonderful children participating with such enthusiasm and perseverance in the various activities and races. Their determination and sportsmanship were truly inspiring. One parent shared with me that they had seen a child turn around during the running activity and go back to support their classmate who had fallen over – this is a wonderful example of our school value of love in action.

The sense of community within the house teams was also lovely to see as they supported and cheered their teammates on; which again, is one of our school values in action.  Well done to Nightingale house who secured the win.  It was great to witness children, staff and parents all taking part in their victory lap.

The family "runtastic" event at the end was even better than I had imagined. I never cease to be amazed by the boundless energy our children possess. Even after participating in all those activities, they still had the stamina to keep going, filling the air with their infectious joy and laughter. Well done to all the parents who took part in the event too!

And finally, thank you to the gymnastics squad, who ‘wowed’ us with fantastic array of cartwheels, backflips and other amazing moves and to Coach Sophie for asking if the children could perform. It most definitely will have to be an annual event moving forwards!

This week, we also had the pleasure of welcoming new members of our Bentley family. The parents of our upcoming Year R children came to school to learn about the exciting journey that lies ahead for their little ones. It was wonderful to meet them all and share in their excitement and anticipation.

Another highlight of the week was the Teddy Bear Orienteering event at Eggars, which some of our Year R children participated in. They were absolutely brilliant, and it was clear that they had a wonderful time. A huge thank you to Eggars for organising this delightful event and to Mrs. Scott-Bromley for accompanying our children.

From Mrs Scott-Bromley:

On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to take a team of seven Year R children to represent Bentley at their very first sporting event - Teddy Bear Orienteering. The team had to find six stations around the Eggar's School's fields and playgrounds and complete a challenge at each one to earn a token. These challenges tested their mental maths, knowledge of books, initial sounds, threading, stacking and throwing skills. I was really proud of the whole team, who had a go at everything and really worked well together as a group. What a credit to Bentley CE Primary School!

It's hard to believe how quickly this term seems to be flying by! Time truly does move at a different pace in a Primary school when there are so many fun things going on. As we look ahead, I'm filled with excitement for the adventures and milestones that await us in the coming weeks and months, from BFEST to Leavers productions, it’s going to be an exciting half term!

Vicky Hallett










This week’s whole school attendance is 95.79 %

Although the government sets a target of 95% for primary schools, our governors have set a target of 98% for our school.  This is because an attendance rate of 95% still means that your child would have had approximately ten days of absence throughout the year; this is considered a significant loss to learning.

The class with the best attendance this week is year R with 98.82%. Well done year R.



2nd September 2024

4th November 2024

6th January 2024

22nd April 2024

2nd June 2024


French Lessons get ready for Paris 2024!

This half-term in our weekly French lessons every child at Bentley will participate in a special Olympics project in preparation for French Day on Wednesday 3rd July.  This year’s Olympics provides so many great learning opportunities from naming the sports in French to finding out more about the host city, Paris. 

This year’s French Day will continue the Olympic theme and each class will participate in a range of related activities.  As always, the children will be invited to dress up in red, white and blue – this could be in a sports kit to reflect the Olympic theme.  In addition, there will be the popular Year 6 Croissant Kiosk as well as class games of Pétanque.  Throughout the half-term the children will be encouraged to share their knowledge at home and to find out more Olympic facts.  The official website is a great resource. Click here to get started!


Eco Update

In our Wednesday worship our fabulous Eco Council launched The Climate Action Countdown, which officially starts today and finishes on July 5th.  This national month of action has been set up to encourage schools to explore new ways to get involved in climate action. The children learnt on Wednesday that ‘Small actions make a BIG difference’. Eco Council is challenging each class to get involved in at least one activity during the event from learning the official song from SOS from the Kids to participating in a climate quiz.  At home, you can also explore ways of getting your family involved in climate action too.  Here are three suggestions:

  • Have an audit of what you recycle at home – could you do more?  Alton Household Waste Recycling Centre recycles a wide range of materials that you cannot recycle at the kerbside – they also have a great shop too! Click here for more details.
  • Get litter picking – use our Litter Picker Backpacks and clean up the litter where you live.
  • Plant a container for pollinators or create a mini pond using a washing up bowl!


#30 Days Wild

The month of June is the Wildlife Trusts, #30DaysWild – a free, month long event to encourage us all to get outside and to connect with nature.  To sign up, click here. As part of your sign up, you will receive a welcome pack with lots of resources to help inspire your adventures in the wild. Why not, create a bug hotel or go on a snail and slug safari?  Can you commit to doing one ‘wild’ activity every day during the month of June?

Download the free wallchart when you join so that you can track your activities.



Coming up….



Bentley PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends association)

Visit the PTFA website by clicking here


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