Design a Runtastic Logo Competition
We are inviting all of the pupils of Bentley Primary School to have their own logo design chosen for our Runtastic events.
All you have to do is....
- Create a design which fills an A4 piece of paper
- Be as creative as you can but remember that it will be copied so use 2d NOT 3d (e.g. not glitter, paper craft or collage as this won’t work well to copy). You can use pens, computer design, pencils or felt tips
- Remember that the design should promote running and what is good/fun about Runtatstic
- Hand it into the office by the first Wednesday after Easter (26th April)
All of our classes have now completed ‘Runtastic’ and will be logging how far the children run. Harry, Nakeisha, Ophelia and Ted in Year 5 have been appointed ‘Change 4 Life’ ambassadors and will be helping judge the Runtastic logo competition.