Aprons at the ready!
We are very excited to announce the date for our Bentley Bake Off will be 14th February.
The rules are simple – register online to be one of our bakers, bake five cupcakes or cookies or bread rolls at home and bring them into school on 14th February. Please remember we are nut free and your child might even want to be adventurous and bake something to suit different food intolerances. Pupils must also bring in a list of the ingredients used so we can ensure children with food allergies remain safe and don’t taste these.
One of your baked goods will be saved for the official judging, but the rest will go to your class for tasting! Each class will decide on the winner of their year group.
The official judges - our super cooks in the kitchen - will taste all the saved entries and decide on an overall winner.
The cost to enter is £1 per person – please click here to go online to register as a baker and pay the fee - you have until 9pm on Sunday 13th February to register.
As an additional part of the fundraising the School Council have requested a 50p donation each to take part in the whole class tasting. We can only take cash for this part of the fundraiser, so please make sure you have your 50p in class on the 14th February.
The winning choice from each class will receive a special certificate and their bake will be put forward to the final judging! The judging panel will be made up of the School Cooks. The overall winner will receive a special rosette and there will be certificates for all the bakers for participating.
We are all very excited and looking forward to the 14th!