Apple Juice!
Bentley School has been collecting apples each autumn for the past 8 years. Families and local residents kindly donate their surplus apples and windfalls. We organise apple picks for all the children to experience walking up to the orchard and collecting the juicy red harvest. It is an important part of their education to learn where their food and drink comes from.
We are lucky enough to work with Mr Whiteheads Cider Press who clean, press, pasteurise and bottle our juice. Each bottle keeps for 5 months at room temperature, and once opened for 4 days in the fridge. With every bottle you get the unique taste of our local Bentley landscape and season. There are no added flavours or sweeteners.
The PTFA are so proud to support our production of local, sustainable and natural apple juice. You could not get apple juice with a lower carbon footprint. We love that so many families enjoy the product we produce and support us. This year there has been a bumper crop of apples and we literally have not been able to pick apples fast enough. Every penny we raise from the juice sales goes to the PTFA to fund projects that directly benefit all children at the school.
Thank you for supporting us with your purchases. We still have several crates of juice still to arrive from the press so it will continue to be on sale over the coming weeks. We have recently added apple juice to our PTFA website so you can place an order there, in addition to our sales at school pick up. We are also working with local village shops to stock our apple juice so local residents can buy it. If you know of anywhere that would like to stock our juice, please do let your PTFA Rep know or send an email to