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Who is responsible for SEND?

Pupils are the centre of the learning process and we ask them for their views and wishes regularly in the form of surveys, pupil conferencing and PSHE lessons.

Children who have support plans discuss and set their targets with their class teacher.  Children who have an Educational Health Care Plan will also be asked to share their views before review meetings take place (see below for the assess, plan, do, review cycle).


We work closely with Parents and Carers.

If a parent has a query about their child’s progress, they should firstly arrange to meet with their child’s class teacher or SEND Leader but may also share concerns with the Headteacher.

The school recognises the importance of home school links.  Parents are kept informed about their child’s progress through:

  • Parents evenings and annual reports
  • Home school link books
  • Review of support plan targets
  • Annual review meetings to review Education, Health and Care plans

If parents have any questions or concerns they can arrange to make an appointment to speak to the class teacher or SEND Leader

At all stages of the special needs process, the school keeps parents fully informed and involved.  We take account of the wishes, feelings and knowledge of parents at all stages.


Class teachers are responsible for making reasonable adjustments to learning in the classroom.  Quality First Teaching ensures that all pupils are able to access the curriculum.  Teachers work with the SEND Leader to ensure there is suitable provision for SEND pupils.



Our Learning Support Assistants are trained to work with small groups or individuals to support learning.  They work under the supervision of the class teacher or SEND Leader to deliver specific interventions and support learning in the classroom.  Further on you can see the range of interventions which we provide at Bentley.



Mrs Liz Rhodes is the SEND Leader. 

She is a Senior teacher and holds the National SENCo qualification.  The SEND Leader oversees and coordinates provision for children who receive additional support.

She can be contacted through the school office by phone  - 01420 525010, or email -


Mrs Vicky Hallett is the Headteacher.  She oversees the work of the SEND Leader.  They work together to plan for suitable SEND provision.





The SEND Governor is Mrs Jo Phillips. 

She works closely with the SEND Leader to monitor and enable SEND provision.  They meet regularly and report to Governors at curriculum and full governing body meetings.

Our governors take an active role in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of special educational needs at Bentley through regular pupil conferencing and learning walks.


The Local Education Authority is East Hampshire.  They ensure that the Bentley Special Needs Policy works within the guidelines and inclusion policies of the Code of Practice (2014), the Local Education Authority and other policies current within the school.  The policy can be found on our website here.